Monday, May 16, 2016

Philippine Navy welcomes BRP Tarlac

The Philippine Navy on Monday welcomed its first ever strategic sealift vessel BRP Tarlac, in a ceremony at Pier 13 at Manila South Harbor. BRP Tarlac figures to be the navy’s floating command and control center during humanitarian assistance and disaster response, apart from providing military sealift and transport services.

The BRP Tarlac is part of a P3.87 billion two-vessel contract entered into by the Philippine government with an Indonesian shipbuilder PT PAL Persero.

The BRP Tarlac is equipped with modern navigation and surface search radar, air search radar, an electronic warfare system, electro-optical fire control system and combat management system.
Its flight deck can carry two 10-ton helicopters. It also has an enclosed hangar for a 10-ton helicopter.

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